
Habits to practice for a sustainable future

But why?

In recent years, the topic of the earth’s sustainability has gained a lot of attention. With the alarming situation of climate change and environmental degradation, it’s become more important than ever for us to take action to protect our planet. This isn’t a lost cause yet, because we can still save our planet if we put our skills to it.

Fortunately, we can include many simple practices in our daily lives to help sustain our world. And that is why this blog will explore some of the most effective practices anyone can adopt to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Practices that can sustain our world


One of the most crucial practices for sustainability is reducing consumption. By consuming, we mean things that cause harm to the earth. The lesser the consumption, the lesser the impact on the environment, and the more resources.

The best way to reduce consumption is by adopting a minimalist lifestyle. This means living with only what you truly need and avoiding using unnecessary things. Specifically, avoid buying non-biodegradable items like plastic bags, metal cans, etc. Try to shift to paper bags of fiber based packaging products.

Plant based diet:

Another way to make the planet greener is by incorporating a plant-based diet. Because animal agriculture contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, consuming less meat and dairy can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. This way, you can support sustainable farming practices and reduce animal cruelty.


In addition to compost and plant based diets, we can also adopt some other practices that promote sustainability. One such strong practice is composting.

Composting is a natural process that you can adopt, in which organic waste is added to soil to make it rich. By composting food scraps and organic material like plant remains or animal manure, we can reduce the quantity of waste that goes into landfills and also create natural fertilizers for gardening and farming.

Then whatever you plant in your garden, you can enjoy its fruit in the form of free vegetables, fruits, flowers, herbs, etc.

Energy reservation:

Energy consumption is a big threat to the world regarding sustainability. Energy reservation is easily achievable through simple practices like switching off lights when leaving a place, using energy-efficient light bulbs like Earth Lamp or LED lamps and appliances, or unplugging electronics when not in use. By reducing energy consumption, we can reduce carbon emissions and save money on our energy bills which are increasing daily in Pakistan.

Water conservation:

Water conservation is another important practice for the sustainability of our planet. Using water wisely can reduce the strain on freshwater and conserve this precious resource. Because without freshwater, everyone will suffer, and that includes us; we shouldn’t think that water shortage will only affect poor and underdeveloped areas because it will affect everyone equally.

Simple practices such as fixing leaky faucets, taking shorter showers, turning off taps when not in use, and using water-efficient appliances can all help to reduce water consumption.

Greener transportation:

Finally, let’s talk about transportation, as it is another area that can significantly impact sustainability. By choosing alternative modes of transportation like walking, cycling, or public transport, we can reduce the carbon footprint that happens when everyone drives their vehicle. If driving is necessary, consider carpooling or driving an electric or hybrid vehicle to reduce emissions.


These were six practices that, if included in your lifestyle, can help turn our planet green and healthy. The issue of sustainability is becoming serious, so we should also consider these practices seriously and adopt them.

To conclude:

  1. Opt for public transportation, walking, carpooling, or biking to reduce carbon emissions.
  2. Conserve water by fixing leaks and reducing usage.
  3. Use eco-friendly products and avoid using plastics.
  4. Reduce meat consumption or go vegetarian/ vegan to reduce the environmental impact of animal agriculture.
  5. Reduce, reuse, and recycle to conserve resources and minimize waste.
  6. Choose renewable energy sources like solar or wind power.

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