
Understanding How Light Affects Phases of Mood

Have you ever noticed how it feels cozy and inviting when you enter a room bathed in soft, warm light, while if a room has harsh, fluorescent lighting, it can make you feel tense, uneasy, and edgy?

It is true that a room has its own ambiance and feel –but a room on its own doesn’t hold much importance if there isn’t proper lighting. Lighting makes all the difference as it isn’t just about bringing light to a place; instead, it’s about giving the personality of any room.

And that’s not just it; the lighting of a place is also responsible for your mood. You must have noticed that a gloomy room with just one light depresses you, while a well-lit room brings a feeling of hope to your entire body.

Did you know that there are actually phases of how lighting affects your mood? No? Then let’s learn about them.

Phase 1: Rise and Shine

Imagine this: you wake up to the gentle glow of sunlight streaming through your curtains. Natural light magically signals to your body that it’s time to rise and shine. Early morning sunlight produces serotonin that makes you feel happy. This feel-good hormone is in your system; if you take it in your body, then it will keep your body and your mind happy the whole day. Such light will rejuvenate your body for the day to come.

Phase 2: Midday Brilliance

As the sun moves higher and higher in the sky, the intensity of light in your home increases. The best thing is that you don’t have to turn on your artificial lights like Zig Zag island chandelier or reading lamps to brighten your home because bright, natural light will come through windows. This brilliance is like a shot of espresso for your mood, sharpening your focus and lifting your spirits.

Phase 3: Golden Hour

As the day begins to wane, the harshness of sunlight softens, casting a golden hue over your surroundings. The golden hour, with the warm and diffused light, is a time to enjoy the evenings and find peace in the gentle glow, letting go of the day’s stresses. It is ideal to unwind and relax either with a book or a cup of tea.

Phase 4: Dusk’s Here

As evening approaches, it’s time for our home’s fancy lights to take over. Soft lamps, propeller pendant and warm ambient lights create a cozy ambiance, wrapping you in a warm embrace. The transition from daylight to dusk is a time for relaxation, a chance to slow down and savor the simple joys of home and hearth. You feel at ease, grateful for a fantastic house which is properly lit.

Phase 5: Nightfall

As night falls, the world outside turns dark, and the beautiful moon rises. Your home becomes quiet and calm with soft, muted light. In the gentle glow of nightfall, you reflect on the day’s triumphs and challenges while finding a soft spot on your pillow and drifting into a calm and peaceful sleep. Just do enjoy a new day tomorrow. At night, the proper use of light will make you relaxed and peaceful.

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